About Dr. Glenn Morris, PhD, ScD

Glenn J. Morris (July 15, 1944 – April 1, 2006) was born in the sheltering mountains of northwest Pennsylvania in 1944.
He earned a BA and MA at Penn State in Communication with emphasis in Small Groups, Theatre, and Anthropology, a Ph.D. in Communication with an emphasis in Rhetoric and Industrial Psychology on the GI Bill, and later a Sci.D in psychology with focus in psychometrics, organizational, and transpersonal studies. He has taught communication, psychology, or theatre, at Penn State, University of Windsor, University of Michigan, Wayne State, Hillsdale College, and other schools in-between consulting gigs. For twenty some years he was a psychological consultant on leadership and organizational change working with Mid West Industries like General Motors, Meijer Thrifty Acres, and Cargill to develop strategies for excelling at their business while defeating their competition. He also helped develop safety programs for Exxon and Texas Utilities, while working for Human Synergistics, that significantly reduced harm and lost time due to accidents.
He has written texts for management, psychological inventories for stress reduction, ethnographies of Japanese martial lineages for the public, and entries in encyclopedias. He has taught management, meditation, and martial art seminars in North America, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Glenn is also recognized around the world as an expert in kundalini meditation, chi kung techniques, and budo/bugei. He is the founder of the Hoshinroshiryu and is highly ranked in both Chinese and Japanese martial arts. He is a member of the World Head of Family and Sokeship Council. He is probably best known for his chi kung healing techniques, relationship with Masaaki Hatsumi-soke of the bujinden, and esoteric yoga.
Dr Morris trained in the martial arts for over forty-five years. He began studying jujutsu, then judo, tai chi, kung fu, karate, boxing and wrestling. He earned his first black belt in jujutsu in 1965 while in the U.S. Army and taught self-defense in Germany for 3rd Med and later at Penn State University. He began teaching the Hoshin system of meditation and martial techniques at Hillsdale College in Michigan in 1980. In 1982, he and several students became interested in ninjutsu and began attend seminars with Stephen Hayes. This exposure to ninjutsu led to training under Hatsumi-Soke and a relationship of respect that continues to this day.
In 1985, Dr. Morris endured the greater kan and li of nei shen gung fu, sometimes referred to as Kundalini and in 1986 was made a member of the Chinese National Institute of Chi Kung. In 1990, he achieved the rank of godan and shidoshi in bujinkan budo taijutsu at the Atlanta Tai Kai. In 1991 he was given the rank of rokudan and title of oshihan in nihon karatejutsu. In 1992, Dr. Morris was inducted into the World Martial Arts Hall Of Fame. In 1989, he was recognized by the government of South Africa as a master instructor of martial arts by their Wu Shu Federation while he was putting on demonstrations in Johannesburg. Dr. Morris has trained in Japan with Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi.
Dr Morris made his home in Lake Charles, Louisiana, with his beloved wife Irena Mandich-Morris. In the year prior to his death, Dr. Morris Worked for the Volunteers of America, doing hands-on relief work with Hurricane Katrina survivors and first responders, while performing demographic analysis for the VOA on damage, post traumatic stress, individual and family displacement, and economic implications for the survivors…
2004/05 Templeton Award Nominee in Religion and Science
1991 Sc. D., Eurotechnical Research University. Statistical study on transpersonal and biological aspects of leadership based on godai and TCM.
1980 Ph. D., Wayne State University; Communication Rhetoric and Public Address, emphasis on organizational communication, industrial psychology and psychotherapy.
1973 M. A., Pennsylvania State University; Speech with emphasis in group dynamics and teacher training.
1968 B. A., Pennsylvania State University; General Arts and Science with emphasis in theatre and anthropology.
1985-1999 Continuing education courses for personal growth, professional seminars in humanistic psychology, bodywork, gestalt therapy, Rubenfeld Synergy, hypnotherapist certification, Chinese medicine, meditation and hypnosis, subtle energy medicine and NCTT. Achieved kudan and oshihan master level rankings in favored martial arts.
2006 Judan (10th dan)(posthumous) Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
2000 Soke of the Millennium
Soke (Head of Lineage) Hoshinroshiryu
Member World Head of Family Sokeship Council since 1992
Elected to Grandmaster of Year (Combat Arts) 1996
Elected to WHFSC Hall of Fame 1996, and Grandmaster of Year (Southwest Region)1997
1999 Kudan (9th dan) Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
1993 Hachidan (8th dan) Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu
1992 Hanshi European Samurai Jujitsu
1991 Oshihan (Major Master) Bunbu Ichi Zendo Budo Bugei Remmei
1991 Rokudan (6th dan) Nihon Karate Jujutsu
1990 Godan (5th dan) Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Togakure Ryu Ninpo) jiki-deshi of Masaaki Hatsumi-soke
1990 Kyoshi (knight) Yi Tsung Fighting Society
1985 Kundalini process began
1985 Sifu (teacher) Taotien Wei Shen Chi Kung
1965 Shodan (1st dan black belt) Nihon Karate Jujutsu
1955 First jujutsu lesson from cousin, Master Sergeant Bobby Briggs.”

Dr. Glenn J. Morris, PhD, ScD
available on Amazon.com:
Books by Dr. Morris on Kundalini, Chi Kung, and the esoteric Martial Arts:
- Path Notes of an American Ninja Master
- Shadow Strategies of an American Ninja Master
- Martial Arts Madness/ Martial Arts Madness
- Quantum Crawfish Bisque for the Clueless Soul: How Choice Works To Create Success or Despair (E-book)
In Doctor Morris’s own words, “Keep going. Keep playing. Study on this.”