Instructor: Paul Densmore

periodically offered – FREE — (email Paul to register (address below) — please include the name of your KAP Level 1 instructor in your request to join)

This is a Free, 4-Week Course offered once per year to KAP Level One Graduates. It focuses on using KAP Principles to connect with and enhance your community, eventually culminating in the student connecting with and enhancing their reality/world. This affords each individual with an opportunity to Pay-It-Forward energetically and, ultimately, to receive in kind : creating a unified/holistic cycle.

Class Format: Each class will include pre-recorded materials and downloadable manuals. Q and A sessions will be available : students will have the opportunity to email or message Paul their questions and recorded answers will be uploaded on the following class date, along with new materials.

Questions about this class session? Please email Paul at therevdr23 (remove space)

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