Tao Semko with Glenn J. Morris, PhD, ScD, circa 2002
Senior KAP Instructor: Tao Semko provides Live Zoom Support for the course each week, all year long, ongoing.
The course itself is a 12-week pre-recorded streaming course, with evergreen access thereafter.
You can interview and apply with Tao and register for the course here.
Senior KAP Instructor: Tao Semko
Class Format: 12 week prerecorded course (2017 version), with live video Q&A and coaching on the materials available each week during and after the course. Course materials are in streaming online video format, with text supplements, and Q&A is currently via Zoom, all of which remain accessible both during and after the course.
Tao’s course provides a lecture and five guided daily practices each week for twelve weeks. Tao is available during and after the course for video Q&A.
About KAP Level Two Distance Learning:
Level Two may be taken concurrently with Tao’s online Level One class, or upon completion of Level One with any Morris Methods/KAP instructor, including Tao.
It consists of further methods that refine, clarify, and amplify methods in KAP Level One, plus numerous principles and methods for skillfully and ethically cultivating with interpersonal energy dynamics (both non-sexual and sexual) in solo and partner practices, as well as working with the energies of groups and spatial and temporal environments.
KAP2 Topics and Practices:
- Girdle Vessel Dynamics to widen, amplify, smooth, and stabilize Kundalini
- Inner Sword Practices for cultivation of Chi/Shen (Prana/Chitta), and for Kundalini Cultivation
- Cleaning Out and Clarifying the Subtle Anatomy for smoother Kundalini Experience
- Advanced (Transpersonal) Secret Smile, and Esoteric/Hidden Internal Energy Techniques
- Visceral Breathing, Skin Breathing, Bone Breathing, Hair Breathing, for Jing cultivation, refining, circulating, storing, and grounding
- Solo Sexual Cultivation and Internal Alchemy: for cultivating and refining sexual vitality, sensation, and aliveness to add to the Secret Smile and convert to kinetic Kundalini or dynamically equipoised presence
- Dual and Group Energy Circulation (with both non-sexual and sexual energy versions), vertical, lateral, toroidal, and helical
- Dual and Group Elemental Cultivations for Kundalini polarization and internal alchemy (with both non-sexual and sexual energy versions)
- Shen techniques to clarify mind and consciousness
- Qi Healing Modalities
- Qi and Shen Projection: Empowering People, Places, Times
- Groups, Sanghas, and Egregores
If you have taken Dr. Glenn J Moprris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process (KAP) Level One with another certified instructor, and this is your first KAP course with Tao Semko, please forward him your responses to the application process when you register. Students who took KAP1 with Tao and have already submitted these materials for KAP1 may simply register for KAP2 without any further ado.
Tuition: Tuition covers 12 weekly class videos, 60+ daily guided practice videos, and related group and private video Q&A both during and after the course. A variety of substantial discounts and extended payment plans are available.
Tuition Payment:
You may register in full via Paypal/Visa/MC/Amex using the buttons below, or please email info1 @ taosemko . com (remove spaces) to arrange a different payment plan, or for discounted tuition payment plans after making a $100 or greater donation to a qualified relief charity of your choice.
Base tuition is $695
Tuition discounts are available through a charitable donation to a local Food Bank, homeless shelter, domestic violence shelter, Native American/First Nation charity, civil rights charity, mental health charity, or other 4-star Charity Navigator vetted relief charity
Simply email a screenshot or email receipt of your donation to Tao prior to registration, and then use the discounted payment button on the registration page! Customized extended payment plans are also available by request ( info1 @ taosemko . com ). You can check local charities on sites like Charity Navigator.
Single Payment with Charity Donation Discount
One Discounted Payment of $494 when you donate $100 to Mercy Corps or any of the charities listed above and email Tao your donation receipt/screen shot:
Single Payment in Full of US$694:
Three Payment Plan 3 x US$235, every 30 days:
Discounted Re-Attend Tuition, for prior graduates of KAP2
$125 to re-attend, for past graduates of Dr. Glenn J. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process, Level Two:
Questions? Please email us at info@ KundaliniAwakeningProcess.com