Index of Schedules
- Morris Methods/KAP for kundalini awakening and integration
- Morris Methods for personal development and autoregulation
- and More: niche courses by Dr. Morris’s students, and their students, applying Dr. Morris’s principles
Morris Methods/KAP for Kundalini Awakening and Integration
Dr Glenn J Morris’s Lightning Path Esoteric Yoga & Heaven’s Way Chi Kung, AKA,
Dr. Glenn J Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process , originally developed in 1985 and consistently refined by Dr. Morris and his certified instructors since. (read the brochure at
Online Courses: Dr. Glenn J. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process (KAP) | Registration Details, Instructor(s) |
The Complete Set of Personal Cultivation Practices for the Balanced Awakening and Permanent Integration of Kundalini: Dr. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process (KAP), Level One (called “KAP1” or “KAP Level One” since 2000) All the tools you need for a successful personal practice |
Apply and Register Now for KAP1 Tao Semko, Senior KAP Instructor |
Harmonizing, Interpersonal & Environmental Kundalini cultivations Dr. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process, Level Two (called “KAP Level Two”, or “KAP2”, since 2000) |
Apply and Register Now for KAP2 Tao Semko, Senior KAP Instructor |
Voidwalking: Advanced Online Courses on Dynamically Equipoised Consciousness Dr. Glenn J. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process (KAP) 3 & 4 |
Registration Details, Instructor(s) |
Course Three: Balancing Being-ness, Spatiality, and Bliss, Higher Alchemy and Voidwalking (referred to as KAP Three, since 2008) |
Apply and Register Now for KAP3 Tao Semko, Senior KAP Instructor |
Course Four: the Union of Primordial & Phenomenal Consciousness (referred to as KAP Four, since 2008) |
Apply and Register Now for KAP4 Tao Semko, Senior KAP Instructor |
In-Person KAP Workshop or Retreat featuring KAP | Dates | Instructor(s) |
KAP 2 Residential Practice Retreat; Blue Ridge Mountains, Western North Carolina | Summer 2025 | Tao Semko Senior KAP Instructor |
KAP 1 Residential Practice Retreat; Blue Ridge Mountains, Western North Carolina | Summer 2025 | Tao Semko Senior KAP Instructor |
Dr. Glenn J. Morris’s Improved Kundalini Awakening Process (KAP), was taught since 1985 by the late Dr. Morris via personal training, and was first offered in workshop format by Dr. Morris in 2001. Senior Instructors (first generation instructors) Santiago Dobles and Tao Semko began to assist Dr. Morris in 2002 and contributed to the level one and two workshop curriculae, and after Dr. Morris’s 2006 passing, continued to offer the Improved KAP workshops. Online interactive video classes were made available by Santiago Dobles and Tao Semko in 2008, and they have subsequently trained a host of 2nd generation Instructors. Private Training, Workshops, and Online Classes, are all still available.
KAP Level 1: (the comprehensive personal practices for awakening and fully integrating kinetic kundalini using physiological principles, rapidly, safely, and permanently)
KAP Level 2: (additional micropractices for more nuance, clarity, expression, and signal amplitude; solo and dual cultivation; working with your environment, communal cultivation)
Prospective students must interview and submit their questionnaires and references for acceptance to online classes:
Schedules: Niche Classes – Morris Methods & More
Niche interest courses by Dr. Morris’s students, and their students, that apply Dr. Morris’s principles of empirical and historical analysis, replicability, and skill layering, to topics outside of Dr. Morris’s original areas of focus. Examples are Leadership Applications, Creativity Enhancement, Psychic Self Defense, Theurgy & Thaumaturgy, and more…
Prospective students must have completed Morris Methods Improved Kundalini Awakening Process Level 1, and any other course-specific prerequisites.
Online Class or Working Group | Next Start / More Info |
Psychic Self Defense by Santiago Dobles, Senior KAP Instructor |
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KAP Perception by Wilhelm Koenig, Provisional 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
Mighty Network space for KAP graduates |
KAP and Physical Integration by Felix Eschey, Provisional 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
Mighty Network space for KAP graduates |
Leadership Applications 1A by Ryan Owens, Provisional 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Pay-It-Forward (Free!) by Paul Densmore, 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Primordial Alchemy by Dr. Craig Wells, D.O., 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Releasing Tech 101 by Michael Growblewski, Provisional 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
Mighty Network space for KAP grads |
The House of Vitality: a Deep Dive into Masculine Hormones & Their Cultivation by Ramon Castellanos, Provisional 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Theurgy & Thaumaturgy 1a: Kabbalistic Cross by Paul Densmore, 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Theurgy & Thaumaturgy 1b: Lesser Banishing Ritual (LRBP) by Paul Densmore, 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Theurgy & Thaumaturgy 2a: Middle Pillar by Paul Densmore, 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Theurgy & Thaumaturgy 2b: much more by Paul Densmore, 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Creativity Enhancement by Paul Densmore, 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Additional Paul Densmore Pop-Up Classes by Paul Densmore, 2nd Generation KAP Instructor |
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Schedules: Morris Methods for personal development and autoregulation
Niche interest classes by students of Dr. Morris and their students, applying Dr. Morris’s principles to daily mundane, creative, community, civic, and mystical experience:
Morris Methods for personal development, self-regulation, relaxation, transformation, charisma, and rhetoric, and the embodied awakening and integration of spiritual, emotional, charismatic, and sensory potential using physiological cues and somatic, emotional, and sensory development.